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真正英軍スターリングAEG その2

Correct 34rd type British mags with almost unnecessary amount of steel reinforcements, learned from Sten SMG's feeding troubles in WW2. Another notable characteristic of a Sterling mag was it's "dual roller magazine follower", again to ensure smooth feeding. On top of these totally overkill reinforcement attempts, British MOD even went hard on instructing it's soldiers never to grip on magazines while shooting. In real life, these sterlings shot totally fine even with a kid sitting on the magazine because of these vigorous reinforcements. I love British people lol
正しい34rdタイプの英軍マガジン、必要ないほどの補強がこれでもかとされている戦車のような作りをしています。大戦中のSten SMGで多発したマガジン周りの精度によるフィーディングトラブルに対してのアンサーだそうで、このスターリングマガジンのもうひとつの著名な特徴として、フォロワーが二連装のローラーになっています、やり過ぎにも程があるのに、イギリス国防相は、すべての兵士に、決してスターリングのマガジンを握って撃たないようにと徹底した通告を行っていました。実際にはスターリングは、子どもをマガジンの上にに座らせて撃っても全くジャムらないほどガッチガチに補強されていて全く問題無かったそうです。イギリス人のこういう、あとでネタになるような事を本気でやるヒラリアスな性格が僕は好きですね。
A few drawbacks shown, one being the enlarged (and shapen wrong at the front) trigger mechanism housing (lower receiver) to utilize a modified Ver.3 mecha box (confirmed),but oh well, i know that we can't really complain too much at it but i kinda think Action Airsoft actually did better for this part due to the use of a PTW unit instead of the standard Marui type unit...smh. the other con is the "smooth" surface bolt unit&bolt handle group that are all "chromed" somehow. British L2A3 came with a black finished bolt with "self-cleaning" notches engraved on the surface, so that the powder residue and foreign debris would be blown out of the action. This worked as well to minimize the contact surface of bolt and receiver tube (less contact=less friction). I hope some aftermarket company comes up with a black finished notched bolt and a bolt handle. Well, lets not look at this picture too long tho, obviously because all the rest of this replica is built near perfect, and correctly replicating a true British L2A3 in every way.
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真正英軍スターリングついに発売! The"true British"Sterling out now

I apologize for leaving my blog unupdated for a while, im still going through lots of things trying to fit myself back into Japanese society.
But anyways, the "true British" Sterling L2A3 AEG is finally released from Beta Project in Hongkong.
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current hype in JP can easily rob us of our guns!

At last, the dude at Asobiba posted a photo of us from the Aug 28th night game.
Since i've already made a game report article here as well as on my main blog, i won't bother making another one. For this very reason we need to get our own camera guy ASAP. Speaking of team-publicity tho lol, i had some thoughts from seeing the recent storming of noobs with their rather "commercial" interest towards airsofting. Not against em at all, but there are certain things we now must be aware of...
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始めて3ヶ月で5000ヒットいったよ、なんて驚いてたら、それから一ヶ月たたんうちに10000ヒット超えてました、、、、。結構注目されてるみたいで現在全国34位、東京都内では15位のブログらしいです!このまま記事の質でショップ系や業者系の営利ブログをどんどん追い抜いていけたらと思います! Fuckキャピタリズム奴隷制、個人ブログFTWですよ!!
トップ20はいったらレーベルメイトといっしょに某都内インドアのサバゲフィールドでDJイベントでも決行してみようと思います。sausage fest(野郎ばっか)のパーティーになると思うが。でも『撃ち合って飲んで踊って』、ってかなりネクストレベルシットなイベントになるだろうから、けっこう楽しいかと思う。NYCとちがってTokyoではなかなかウェアハウスパーティーとか大胆なことさせてくれるヴェニューオウナーも少ないので、僕もけっこう溜まってるし、、、。協力者求ム!!!
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GBB Colt9mmSMG by RealSword発売決定! M16A2も!

RealSword at IWA2014 have announced their release of AR type GBB series with an estimated release date being late-May to early-June!! i'm uncertain about the first hitter, but among those prototypes displayed at the show, what caught my attention the most was their ''Colt 9mm SMG''. 『リアル』なAKの電動ガンで知られるRealSword社はIWA2014において、AR系のガスブロシリーズを展開することを発表し、展示されたどのモデルが一番先かは解らないが、来る五月末から六月頭には販売開始するとのことだ!展示されたサンプルやプロトタイプの中で最も目を引くのは、『コルト9mm SMG GBB』だ。
RealSword ''Colt 9mm SMG'' GBB prototype
RealSword社製 ''Colt 9mm SMG'' ガスブロ プロトタイプ
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HK417GBB by VFC 詳細な写真が公開!!

Umarex at IWA2014 allowed selected press personnels to take detailed photos of their new releases which included the long awaited HK417GBB OEMed by VFC. As i reported in my previous post, VFC has announced that this gun will be available in stores by this summer.
The magazine case doesn't look transparent like real-steel mags, or maybe it is actually, but the internal guts packed inside is making the whole mag looking rather ''black'' in appearance? Does H&K make flat black mags for their 417s?
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トンプソンGBB KingArmsより近日発売!その他WW2の名銃も発表!

KingArms at the IWA 2014 desplayed their final product sample of Thompson M1928 GBB!!! i haven't confirmed the exact release date, yet officials stated that their ''assembly line is ready and set for full production'', thus we can expect the release before the summer. i will update this post as soon as i catch the further detailed info regarding the release date.キングアームズは IWA 2014にて、完成版商品サンプルのトンプソンM1928 GBBを展示!!詳細な発売日の情報はキャッチしていないが、アセンブリラインは生産に向けてすでに整っているとのコメントもあり、夏以前に発売することは決定的だ。発売日のコメントがとれ次第この記事にアップデートするので、興味のある方はブックマークしといてください。
i believe KingArms Thompson GBB would be the first ''open-bolt firing GBB'' design coming out from a non-japanese brand. 日本以外の国のメーカーからオリジナル設計で出すオープンボルト式GBBは、これが初となるのではないだろうか。
KingArms was known to be developing this GBB Thompson for a quite some time. A leaked footage (shown below) of their test sample circulated within the communities of hard-core GBB fans around the globe. キングアームズ社はかねてからこのGBBトンプソンの開発を進めていたことが知られており、リークしたテストサンプルのビデオ(下記)が、世界中のコアなGBBファンのコミュニティー内でサーキュレートしていた。
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VZ.58 AEG&GBB 発売決定!!

Tolmar d.o.o. of Slovenia has just announced that they will be releasing the world's first mass-produced airsoft replicas of VZ.58 Assault rifle series, both in AEG and GBB platforms!! スロヴェニアのTolmar d.o.o.社から、史上初のVZ.58アサルトライフルのエアソフトを、電動とガスブローバックの両方を発売するとの発表がありました!!
First in line will be the ''vz.58 Carbine'' and the ''vz.58 Compact''. Surprisingly, both guns are already in production with an estimated release date of April-May 2014!! Wait, wait... isn't that next fucking month?? Mad props, Tolmar!! u just earned a Ninja badge, for hiding such an exciting news from us untill just now lol Various accessories and of course, the long awaited military classic, full sized VZ.58 with fixed or folding stock will be available as well!まず先に発売されるのは、VZ.58カービンと、VZ.58コンパクトの治安機関向け短縮型の2機種であり、なんとこれらは既に製造段階であり今年4月末から5月頭には発売になるとのこと!! は?てかそれって来月じゃね?Tolmar社さん『忍者バッジ』獲得!!今の今までこんなヤバイニュースをよくぞ隠しきれたもんだ!! 各種アクセサリー類はもちろん、待望の軍用フルサイズ、固定もしくは折りたたみストック付きのVZ.58も追って発売されるとのことだ!!
As described in the top image, the OEM manufacturer is ARES,therefore the mecha-box on the VZ.58 AEG seems to be equipped with the ARES's mighty FSCU (Integrated Fire Control Unit). no more spitting out of weak BBs from the half-cycled mecha-box i suppose. No info on EBB function as of today (Mar 11 2014).
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got a lil' question for my international viewers

hit counts are growing pretty well these days even though i just started this blog like 3 months ago.
i'm trying to write all my posts in both English and Japanese as much as i can, but it surely is time-consuming.
i'd like to apologize my international visitors for certain long posts i've made here (such as custom airsofts and real-steel shooting reports) still being written only in japanese.
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G&P M16 VN GBBR : Retro Black Rifle を極める。シリーズ第一話

G&P M16 VN GBBR : Retro Black Rifle を極める。シリーズ第一話
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